Tuesday, March 24, 2009

User Testing


Chee Kuan said...

Happy new year lolx!
I think new year elemenet can be more

Anonymous said...

wasai..f&N orange juice lo..
so orange..got'da ji da li' feel..
gong xi fa cai again..
this desgin quite nice d..
bt on my opinion is so orange gua..
anyway happy cny..lol

MR.✖_✖ said...

wua~~the colour mode not bad ~~the navigation bar easy to recognize
happy new year

Kevin Lau said...

Swtness..so orange red..so oriental like chinese feel... the cow is flash ?? cool..

but i tink the font need use a common one..i remember lecturer say not user friendly if ppl comp cant read the font..

Commment me pls..TY..

skeng said...

ya....the cow...move to other place la...
or add more element on the side on it...

- west - said...

texture background is good le...so red-orange feel..hot hot..got cny feel..Hcny ~=]

Testing said...

wahaha.. intro page background cut no good oh.. lol..